Tuesday, 25 November 2008


Due to technical difficulties, I have been unable to upload my animatic.

I think that the first attempt that our group made to an animatic was very successful. We worked well as group, each contributing to different areas, such as story boarding and sound. The most successful area of our animatic was the diegetic sound; it fitted well with the narrative and the genre. Additionally, the camera techniques we used: the panning and use of zoom within the text engaged the audience and created tension. Overall, our animatic worked well because we used the common codes and conventions known in the thriller genre.

Nevertheless, there are a few areas of improvement that could be made. For example, parallel non-diegetic sound could have built more tension and engaged the audience much more - such as background music to flow with the piece. Also, a few of the pictures were quite ambiguous, which left the audience confused as to the narrative. To improve this, we will try to draw neater and clearer pictures, along with developing skills on certain aspects of story boarding, such as using directional arrows effectively and drawing from certain views, for example birds eye view - as our birds eye view was very unclear.