Saturday, 4 April 2009


This is the final copy of our opening.

Many changes have been made, thus being:

- The titles have all been moved to the beginning of the opening, giving us more time for more footage.
- The style of the titles have been changed; adding a 'flickering' effect and, also adding a 'watery' effect.
- We increased the shots of Jonny. We showed more of his environment, which allows the audience to engage with the character.
- Jonny is seen again looking into a mirror, so there is more of a link to the title. Also, a photograph of Abbie is seen to show that there is a past between the two characters. There is a low angle shot of Jonny walking down the stairs and a long shot of him walking into the kitchen. Then finished with a close up from inside the fridge of Jonny.

By adding these shots, this allowed the audience to engage with the protagonist more. In our rough cut, the number of shots on both characters were similar, which meant that there was a lack of engagement between the protagonist and the audience. Therefore, this has had a good effect on the audience; it is now clear who the main character is.

The title's being moved to the beginning are quite effective in our opening, as they enabled us to have more shots of Jonny. Furthermore, the effects used on the titles linked in well with the title.

One of the main changes of our opening was the change in music. In comparison to our rough cut and with feedback, the change in music fitted in much better with the narrative and created a suspense/ tense tone.

Feedback from the class:

- Running water v.effective at the start
- Music builds up well, mystery and intriguing
- You can clearly see where title came from - reflections used
- Having no dialogue worked well with the psychological thriller
- Jonny's costume could connote his characters role more
- Camera work is good and steady where required
- Music is good
- Good variety of shots/ music matches action well e.g. looking in mirror
- Excellent titles. Effective without drawing focus away from narrative
- Jonny's costume, in particular wearing white at the end connotes purity/ innocence.
- Great camera angles
- Confusing narrative - going to the fridge
- Great juxtaposition of shots.

Feedback from teacher

Provisional grade from teacher - Grade A

- Demonstrates excellence across all technical aspects
- Dual narrative structure is very effective with controlled choice of shots.
- Match on action is particularly effective with well exectued soundtrack that adds polish to the piece.

- Costume could have been better considered - not entirely convincing for this style of thriller
- Some shots could have been re-shot/held for longer